My Cook Book

 In this week of studying my topic, I decided to create a digital cookbook as my chosen object. In doing this I found that there is a lot of organization, time, and reading that comes along with creating your own personal cookbook. Overall, I think the greatest lesson I learned this week is that there are so many different vegetarian recipes out there that I have not even tried yet, which overall makes me even more excited to study this topic. Moreover, I found having to organize the recipes very challenging because I was deciding between sorting them by meat replacements or culture. I found the best way is to divide it by culture because with many vegetarian recipes there are a lot of different protein replacements that are used in the same dish, therefore, organizing it by culture made it much easier. I found it interesting that there are free apps that allow people to gather their favorite recipes to document them, and if they want to can create a hard-cover cookbook at a certain price. Growing up and having my mom always in the kitchen, I know how many different recipe books she had with no way of putting them all into one. This way, you can choose all your favorites and organize them in a way that you like it. 


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